Collab with Bayila Creative
Mesh printed design, depicting Bunjil as the Aquila constellation and the sky at dusk, measuring 70 metres wrapping around the gallery
Tells the story of the creation of the Platypus
Bunjil the Wedge tailed Eagle
Artwork by Mandy Nicholson, produced by Celestial. Short version: Doesn't show the Creation of the Platypus Story
Mural depicting 'Welcome' comprising of 6 mannagum leaves symbolising the 6 Layers of Wurundjeri Country. Painted in muted tones to compliment the office interior features. Location Energy Australia's new office in Narrm (Melbourne).
Approximate size is 9 x 3.5 metres
Mural took 5 weeks to complete as it comprosed on intricate 3D features, to give the effect of weaving together
Closeup detail
A City of Melbourne art aquissition, through the Australian Tapestry Workshop. Designed by Mandy and woven by Chris Cochius, Amy Cornall, Tim Gresham and Cheryl Thornton. Photo: Marie-Luise Skibbe.
Cutting of the loom
Weavers and Lord Mayor Sally Capp cutting the loom. The Layers of Country
Tharangalk Biik (Forest Country above the clouds-Bunjil's home).
Wurru Wurru Biik (Sky Country)
Baanj Biik (Water Country)
Biik-dui (On Country)
Biik-ut (Below Country)
Burwood Brickworks, commissioned through Balarinj. Hand painted 'Six Layers of Wurundjeri Country'
More info:
Corhanwarabul (Mt Dandenong). Design depicts the Burwood region as a flat plain full of marram (kangaroo) and boorrimul (emu), with its waterways meadering to Port Phillip Bay, via the Birrarung (Yarra) that is nearby. The main 'flowing band' thorugh the centre of the design represents Corhanwarabul (Mt Dandenong). It's name means 'to grow' and 'two' and is also connected to the story about white
Close up of the Six Layers of Wurundjeri Country
Tharangalk Biik (Forest Country above the clouds-Bunjil's home).
Wurru Wurru Biik (Sky Country) where Bunjil and Waang watch over us in their physical form.
Murnmut Biik (Wind Country) when we speak and sing in language. (Woiwurrung), it stranscends to Bunjil as does the smoke from our Welcoming fires as it absorbs into every element of Country.
MCG 2022
High Capacity trains 2020 Depicting the 6 layers of Wurundjeri Country
Carpet inlay GHD office revamp 2019
Carlton Football Club 2016 Represting Yorta Yorta Spiritual Protectors the turtle and emu (permission sought from Sir Doug Nicholls daughter)
Woiwurrung Language Cards Made for kinders
To see more beautiful Wurundjeri art, please see my daughter Ky-ya Nicholson-Ward's website: and instagram:
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